Invasion of Israel

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722 BC

Assyrian Empire

In 721 B.C. Assyria swept out of the north, captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and took the ten tribes into captivity. From there they became lost to history.

598 BC

Babylonian Empire

Under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, the Babylonians first laid siege to Jerusalem in 587 BCE. After months of destruction, the Babylonians were successful in conquering Jerusalem and Judah in 586 BCE, the year when Jerusalem finally did fall to the Babylonians

539 BC

Persian Empire

Cyrus the Great, King of Persia defeats Babylonia and takes control of the Land of Israel.

63 BC

Roman Empire

The Roman triumvir Pompey the Great captured Jerusalem. A clash with Jewish nationalism was averted for a while by the political skill of a remarkable family whose most illustrious member was Herod the Great.

1517 AD

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman sultan Selim I took the city and inaugurated a Turkish regime that lasted 400 years.